10 weeks to becoming your fittest, fastest, leanest, strongest Athlete
Stop putting the brakes on and start accelerating
If you have an established interest in fitness, running or fitness events, participate in sport and you are looking to take your training results to the next level this Athlete Transformation Program is for you.
This offer is only available to new members.
Commence your 10 week Program NOW
Package includes:
- Starting EVOLT 360 body composition scan
- Starting cardio fitness evaluation
- Unlimited attendance in group coaching sessions for 10 weeks
- Personalised macronutrient sports nutrition plan
- Mindset coaching session (Optional)
- Week 10 EVOLT 360 body composition scan
- Week 10 cardio fitness evaluation
Cost is $1,300 for the full listed package.
Cost may vary. Athlete Transformation Packages are designed to the individual.
- Payments made in full receive a Zone Performance Coaching BONUS gift
- Payment plans available
- Terms and conditions apply, please note the initial payment must be received within 48 hours of registering to secure your position on the program
A body composition scan is an instrument that uses a series of very small electrical impulses to determine a range of specific values related to your health. The EVOLT 360 is a medical-grade body composition scanner. It uses a scientifically validated test known as Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) to assess accurate body weight, lean body mass, skeletal muscle mass, mineral content (reflects bone mass), total body fat (and exactly where that fat is located), visceral fat (the dangerous fat surrounding your vital internal organs), bio-age based on your internal health, body balance: left and right; upper and lower body, and a general overall comparable fitness score (hint 85+ is athletic). The EVOLT 360 is a recognised world leader in BIA technology. It will measure and record 40 different body composition measurements and produce a comprehensive health report specific to you to allow you to set your health and fitness goals, create training plans to meet these and measure your progress as you take your training journey to the next level. Your EVOLT 360 scan is performed at the commencement and again at the end of the 10 week program.
Understand your body’s current level of aerobic fitness, your efficiency and overall training output. A cardio fitness assessment is a tool to gauge your aerobic fitness – the ability of the body to use oxygen to power it whilst exercising and to better understand your opportunity for improved efficiency. The assessment provides you with a real measure to reassess over time and is conducted at the commencement of the challenge and on completion of the 10 week program.
Embrace the opportunity to be supported, motivated and challenged by like-minded Athletes all under the guidance of your Coach. Participate in programs offered 7 days per week designed to strengthen your foundations to have you training more confidently, more efficiently and with greater power. ZPC Group Coaching sessions target endurance training, speed and agility focus, power, strength and conditioning gains and functional strength and stability improvements. Your passport to unlimited attendance provides every opportunity for you to experience all that is on offer and receive the greatest benefit from your 10 week investment.
There is a real difference between simply eating food and fueling for performance. Your personalised sports nutrition plan is scientifically matched to your recommended individual macronutrient profile – the amount of carbohydrates, protein and fats your body needs to perform optimally and to meet your training goals. By performing the EVOLT 360 body composition scan your ideal macronutrient profile is revealed which then forms the bases of your individual sports nutrition plan. You will gain a greater understanding of the foods you need to consume before and after exercise to support your training goals and reduce the risk of burn out, increase recovery and promote muscular growth and healing. Start fueling for performance and take your training output from good to great.
Limited places – To register you must CONTACT US